METAL PULP AND PAPER: Hello Bryan. So glad to be catching up with you. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us here at Metal Pulp And Paper. We appreciate it. Now give us a little run down about your band Rig Time! and what we need to know, and especially tell us if you have any new music coming out soon.
BRYAN FLEMING: Rig Time! is a an aggressively heavy two piece based in La Crosse, WI with an addiction to touring. The latest single "No Faith" was released in August 2019 as a follow up to the full-length album War that was released in 2017 via Innerstrength Records.
MPAP: We’re going to change up this interview and do something different. I’m going to pull some recent headlines from the Metal Injection website and get your reactions and comments on them. Here we go:
1. Celtic Frost Frontman Wishes Metallica Had Left 'Their Millionaire Fingers' Off His Song
MPAP: So, at a recent Metallica show in Switzerland, Kirk and Rob played one of Celtic Frost’s song "The Usurper" during a break in the show. According to Tom Warrior, vocalist for Celtic Frost, the two of them butchered it. He said, 'Maybe I should go onstage and do a really miserable version of [Metallica’s] "Hit the Lights" with, like, 200 mistakes to set the balance.' What do you think about this? If someone was going to cover one of your songs, do you think it should be done in good taste and without any mistakes, or it’s Metallica, and they can do whatever they want, it's no big deal?
BRYAN: I can see it both ways. If a band like Metallica wants to cover your song, that's a huge honor, but also a band like Metallica, or any band, shouldn't attempt a song it they are to butcher it. If you're trying to pay respect to a song you love, destroying isn't the way to convey the message. They can do some amazing covers, as we have seen in the past. Maybe they just jumped the gun on this one and should have thought through a little longer.
2. A Fan Died In The Slipknot Mosh Pit This Weekend
MPAP: Very sad. So, apparently, a 62-year-old Slipknot fan died while in the mosh pit at a Chicago show. Corey Taylor had recently stopped a previous show because he saw the mosh pit was getting too violent. Accidents do happen, but do you think mosh pits at metal shows are becoming more dangerous?
BRYAN: Moshing has always been an aggressive expression since the days of pogo-ing and slam dancing. Whether it's pushing, spin kicks, two stepping, or whatever… don't go into a pit if you're not sure if you can handle it. I never get hurt in a pit I go into enough to do anything significant, and 90% of the pits I am in are at hardcore shows with limbs flying everywhere. Some people think that shows are more violent and that 'hardcore dancing' is new thing, but that's been around for decades in the underground. There is no difference between the style mosh you prefer, and what matters is the respect given to each person in the pit. If someone wants to push their friends, don't swing at them. If someone else wants to tell step, don't shove them in the side. If you're not in the pit, don't stand on the outside and push people, because that's just doing nothing but causing problems. Don't like being near the pit? Go up front, to the side or to the back. Most people who mosh are very respectful and the those who don't mosh should be too. Is it more violent now? I doubt it. Should you question your health and state of mind before you jump in? Yes.
3. Slayer Pulled As Primary Sponsor Of Nascar Due To Complaints From Other Sponsors
MPAP: Really? C’mon., it’s just a band. It’s not like Satan himself will be driving the car, right?
BRYAN: Slayer is still scary? I thought Slayer was just awesome now a days. Is it 1990?
4. Maynard Got Death Threats Over How Long The Tool Album Took
MPAP: Talk about some diehard fans. I think that is going a bit too far, even if you’ve been waiting 13 years, right?
BRYAN: If you really love a band that much, their previously released albums should be enough to hold you over, otherwise, you must not love them that much. If you're sending threats to someone though, you're obviously in need of help and something of the bigger picture needs to be addressed. Holding a grudge against any artist for not releasing material is silly either way. Forcing art out of an artist isn't going to get the result you probably want anyways.
5. Controversial Video Shows Rob Zombie Grabbing A Female Fan By The Hair After Being Groped
MPAP: His shirt was pulled, but, nevertheless. I guess during a show Rob went out into the crowd, and an enthusastic fan reached out and pulled on his shirt. After this headline was posted, quite a few bands like Shinedown, All That Remains, and Bad Wolves defended Rob’s actions. What are your thoughts, do fans need to keep their hands to themselves?
BRYAN: We’re all humans and should treat each other with respect either way. Whether his shirt was grabbed or not, responding with the same action, but even more aggressive, is not the way to go. However, we can do things in out of instinct and fear depending on the situation and what is going on in our head. Everyone should respect others how they want to be respected.
6. Behemoth Frontman Confronted At YMCA For Wearing Darkthrone Shirt & Kicked Out Not Believing In Jesus
MPAP: It was just a shirt, and he was going there to workout. It wasn’t like he was going to sacrifice some virgins and spill blood everywhere. What do you think?
BRYAN: Once again, what year is it? Aren't we over this type of fairy tale stuff by now? If someone doesn't believe in the religion you have, turn out and go pray for them. Let the man work out and mind your business.
7. Former Weedeater Drummer Arrested For Allegedly Spiking Wife’s Drink With Meth
MPAP: Umm, this doesn’t look like they have a very good marriage going on for this to have happened. Do you think they need some marriage counseling or what?
BRYAN: Maybe this is sign that they should see other people…
8. Walmart Shoppers Call The Cops On Metal Band for… Sitting In A Van Parking Lot
MPAP: This happened right after the tragic Dayton, Ohio shooting where ten people were killed, including the shooter, and 27 others were injured. The gunman just happened to be a metalhead because he was wearing a The Acacia Strain hoodie. It’s good that people report things, but this could turn out that every traveling metal band that’s parked in a Walmart parking lot are going to get reported now. What do you think?
BRYAN: Haven't people in bands looked the same for the last 30 years? How can an average person look at a van full of people with, most likely, black shirts and not think, 'Oh that must be a band'? I guess I am bias though. Maybe I should wear a cowboy hat the next time I sleep at a Walmart, just to make it more obvious that I am musician.
9. People Are Going Wild For This Rant Tommy Lee Shared Against Donald Trump
MPAP: The rant/tweet is quite a bit long, so I'm not going to torture you to read it, but I will say this: should musicians talk or write about politics? In a way, it’s like their forcing their beliefs down our throats. What are your thoughts?
BRYAN: Musicians can speak about whatever they choose. That's the point of art and expression. If you disagree, don't listen. If a musician has a platform to speak up for the people, if it's for the better of the world, use it.
10. James Hetfield Calls Woman Who Used Metallica’s Music To Fend Off Cougar
MPAP: A young lady, was out walking her dog when off in the distance a cougar began to stalk her. She eventually played a Metallica song on her phone to scare it away, and it worked. She definitely had luck and the power of music on her side, right? What song of yours do you think would scare off a hungry cougar?
BRYAN: I'd use "No Faith" and just hope I depress the cougar with my lack of trust them! (Laughs).
11. While She Sleeps Release Free T-Shirt Design To Clue Fans Into How Much Streaming Doesn’t Pay
MPAP: This is what the design said: One T-shirt is the equivalent to 5000 streams on Spotify. 76% of all music is streamed and not bought physically or digitally. Band merchandise is the most direct way of supporting a band. Sadly, buying music isn’t the same anymore. Back in the day, it used to be fun to buy an actual album or CD, don’t you think?
BRYAN: I miss going into a record store or even a Best Buy and getting a CD on the day it came out. That excitement for the release date was a cool feeling. I still buy physicals occasionally, but usually from bands at the merch table or a random used copy I find at a record store on tour.
12. David Hasselhoff Teams Up With Ministry Frontman For "Sweet Caroline" Cover
MPAP: All I can say is, this should be interesting. Hopefully, it’s not a train wreck for David. Worth a listen to when it comes out though. What do you think of this collaboration?
BRYAN: I'd personally rather hear With Sympathy era Ministry do an album with some 80s Hoff, but that's just me.
MPAP: What tv/movie actor would you like to cover a song with someday?
BRYAN: Imagine Gilbert Gottfried screaming out a mosh call before a breakdown…
MPAP: On behalf of Metal Pulp And Paper, I’d like to thank you, Bryan, for taking the time to answer these headline questions. We look forward to what Rig Time! does to finish out 2019 and beyond. Any last words for all your fans out there?
BRYAN: Thank you for reading my useless opinions! Please go listen to "No Faith" on whatever format you prefer, and follow us on Facebook to find out when we're coming to your town!