A few moments with Mercedes Lander ...
METAL PULP AND PAPER: Hello Mercedes. So glad to catch up with you again. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us at Metal Pulp And Paper. Much appreciated.
What has been going on in the White Swan camp since the November 2016 release of Anubis?
MERCEDES LANDER: We’ve been gigging like crazy these last few months and getting our new EP The White ready.
MPAP: You have posted on your social media recently that the band has been active in the studio lately?
MERCEDES: We recently were back at Villa studios recording our new EP The White.
MPAP: How close is there something to see the light of day and be released? Any date you’d like to get something out by?
MERCEDES: Preorders are actually out now on our bandcamp. The White will be released digitally June 9th.
MPAP: In our interview we did with you from last year, you said Anubis was written solely by you. Are Kira and Shane involved this time around with any of the new material?
MERCEDES: Again, most of these songs were written around the same time as Anubis, so they are mostly me. With that being said, both Kira and Shane have contributed respectively with their parts and have really done a great job of putting their personal touches into the songs. Kira has some awesome bass lines and Shane has added some great solos.
MPAP: What can you tell us about the new music? What’s it sounding like?
MERCEDES: The music is obviously in the same vein as Anubis but I feel like The White is a little more focused and is a great re-introduction to the White Swan.
MPAP: How do you feel you’ve all grown as a band in the short time you’ve all been together?
MERCEDES: I feel like again we’ve all become more focused with writing and we kind of know what we want a little better out of a recording and live show.
MPAP: Are you trying anything new this time around? Different vocal style? Or tuning up or tuning down to sound different?
MERCEDES: Nope, same old White Swan.
MPAP: Will the new release include more songs than the Anubis EP?
MERCEDES: We’re pretty set on EP’s. It’s the most cost effective for us and just enough of a taste to keep people coming back.
MPAP: How will it differ from the songs "Blood" and "Illuminate"?
MERCEDES: Again the songs are more focused and a lot longer in length. We also have an instrumental as the opening track of the EP which is a little different for us.
MPAP: On Anubis, you do a great cover version of "Jet" by Paul McCartney. Will there be another cover song on the new release by any chance?
MERCEDES: No cover this time around. We do have some ideas though so we will see what we come up for the next EP.
MPAP: How have the live shows been going?
MERCEDES: We’ve had great reception live so far. We are really lucky to be able to play with a lot of different styles of music which helps up to really broaden out fan base quite a bit.
MPAP: Everyone having fun playing together? Any highlights you care to mention?
MERCEDES: We always have a blast. Last week I had to sing into Kiras dirty sock because I was getting shocked by the mic.
MPAP: In our last interview with you, we talked about work visas and being able to tour the United States. Any chance a major label might pick up the new the White Swan material so you will be able to venture outside the realms of Canada? Or at least play a Festival during the summertime?
MERCEDES: Probably not going to happen. We’re pretty happy to be doing this on our own and if something happens to where we come across a great deal then we will take it but we aren’t going to settle. So no US dates in the future.
MPAP: You recently commented on a picture of you behind the skins on your Instagram account, saying "God damnit. I need a band to play drums in." Does that mean you might want to start another side project alongside the White Swan?
MERCEDES: I’m sure something will come along eventually. I just really miss playing drums live.
MPAP: Would you ever consider having your sister Morgan be a guest on a White Swan song and sing along with you?
MERCEDES: I don’t think she would be interested.
MPAP: Before we bring this interview to a close, is there anything else you’d like to tell the Metal Pulp And Paper readers and all your fans out there?
MERCEDES: Check out our bandcamp and support live music and independent artists. https://thewhiteswan.bandcamp.com/
MPAP: On behalf of myself, and Metal Pulp And Paper, thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Look forward to what the rest of 2017 has for the White Swan and beyond.